Use cases for the Proggy CLI tool

Proggy is designed to make the command line accessible and shareable amongst developers, devops, and the occasional terminal user.

The command line is a versatile platform for users. However, it requires some familiarity through repeated use and its commands are oftentimes easy to forget. This requires users to having look up the same commands over-and-over again.

Copy and pasting long command lists is also very common. This makes it easy to introduce typographical errors, requiring users to spend a lot of time to debug problems.

Here are three examples of common use cases:

  1. Team member onboarding
  2. Software prototyping
  3. Consolidate lengthy terminal command

Use Case: Team member onboarding


  • Minimize the time needed to set up new team member development environments


  • New team members need to synchronize their local development environment when joining a new team
  • Typical onboarding sometimes takes days due to complicated development environments
  • Onboarding often requires another current team member to help troubleshoot, wasting the time of both the new team member and the existing one


  • Using Proggy, teams can ensure team members are set up quickly with Prog command scripts (Create your first Prog)
  • Complex environment setups requiring installing multiple tools and configuration settings to be installed can be done without requiring a lot of copy and pasting
  • Proggy allows teams to update onboarding steps in a collaborative manner with the necessary visibility

Software prototyping


  • Many software are command line programs performing a single function
  • You want to quickly prototype these programs without the trial-and-error process of using traditional script languages


  • It is difficult and hard to create robust terminal programs
  • A lot of trial-and-error development is required
  • Developers who have never done it before will find themselves spending a lot of time researching before being able to produce a usable solution


  • Proggy allows you to be able to visually create command line software using the familiar web UI
  • Spend less time debugging and more time on the business logic of the program itself by leveraging Proggy’s built-in command directives
  • Create logic flows just like you would with conditions

Consolidate lengthy terminal command


  • Make it easy to execute multiple command line commands
  • Make repetitive command line tasks easier


  • It is very common to have to type many command lines to set up a system, or to perform some maintenance task
  • It is an error prone process to copy and paste commands
  • Some lengthy command lines require changing values, depending on the host system


  • Proggy can help organize your multistep command line processes
  • Improve the documentation of these command line steps by having them in a single location where any team member can view and modify them
  • Leverage Proggy’s user input and assign variables directives to dynamically replace hard coded values

Other use cases

Have other problems you’re looking to solve with the command line? We’d be interested in hearing from you. Get in touch with us.