Rename Folder

What does Rename Folder do?

The Rename Folder directive renames an existing folder.

If the folder does not exist, the step will simply display an error message but will not exit the execution of the remainder of the Prog script.

How do I use the Rename Folder directive?

To rename a folder, enter the absolute directory path of the folder you want to rename and the new folder name.

Rename folder directive settings
Rename folder directive settings

Behaviour of the Rename Folder directive

  • This directive will fail and your Prog command will exit if the source folder does not already exists, or if the source provided is not a directory.
  • If you do not have permission to rename the target folder, the Prog command will fail.
  • If the folder you are renaming already exists, the Prog command will fail.

Example use cases for the Rename Folder directive

  • Performing routine file and folder manipulation