Make POST Request

What does Make POST Request do?

The Make POST Request directive makes a HTTP POST request from your computer to a URL you specify.

You can specify the parameters and headers of the request. Parameters will be sent as a message body.

If the URL you are accessing is not accessible from your location (eg. if you are geoblocked), the running of this directive will fail.

How do I use the Make POST Request directive?

Specify the URL you want this directive to access via a POST request and any parameters or headers to send with this request.

Make POST request directive settings
Make POST request directive settings

Behaviour of the Make POST Request directive

  • You can make POST requests with the following content types: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream. For multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream types, you are able to upload a file and specify it to be sent as binary format.
  • If the request fails, the Prog command will abort.
  • By default, the response will be parsed and the output will be available as an output variable with step[identifier].json if the response received is a JSON data. Please see output variables for more information regarding output variables parsed from JSON data.

Example use cases for the Make POST Request directive

  • Perform POST requests to your target URL as part of larger and more complex applications