Zip File or Directory

What does Zip File or Directory do?

The Zip File or Directory directive will compress and archive a file or directory of your choosing. It is capable of archiving files using asterisk wildcard pattern matching.

How do I use the Zip File or Directory directive?

Once you add the directive to your Prog command, you can edit the settings of the directive:

Zip file or directory directive settings
Zip file or directory directive settings

Behaviour of the Zip File or Directory directive

  • The directive will fail and your Prog command will exit if the target archive file already exists.
  • When specifying the target file, the user executing the Prog must have permission to create the path and file or else the command will exit with an error.
  • If you do not enter either the source file/directory or target archive file, this directive will exit with an error.

Example use cases for the Zip File or Directory directive

  • Compressing log files before transmission, such as uploading to a S3 bucket
  • Archiving files locally on the computer