Using Liquid template in Progs

Proggy uses the Liquid Template language to offer users flexibility in customizing their Progs.

For a full reference of Liquid, please refer to the official Liquid website.

Note: While Proggy offers the Liquid Template feature, not all features of Liquid are available.

Liquid Basics

Step Referencing

As discussed in output variables, you can reference any steps and their output. This feature allows you to be able to “chain together” different steps, outputs, and feed them into subsequent steps for processing.

For example, let’s say you want to Display Text of the immediate previous step’s output. You can add a Display Text step, and then use {{ piped.output }} to display the previous step’s output.

Control flows

Let’s say you want to display two different text, depending on whether the previous step has a certain output.

Here is an example control flow:

{% if piped.output === 'Hello World' %}
Hello World success!
{% else %}
Goodbye cruel world :-(
{% endif %}


You can use operators to create control flow. Here are the supported operators:

== equals
!= does not equal
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
or logical or
and logical and