Make PATCH Request

What does Make PATCH Request do?

The Make PATCH Request directive makes a HTTP PATCH request from your computer to a URL you specify.

You can specify the parameters and headers of the request.

If the URL you are accessing is not accessible from your location (eg. if you are geoblocked), the running of this directive will fail.

How do I use the Make PATCH Request directive?

Specify the URL you want this directive to access via a PATCH request and any parameters or headers to send with this request.

Make PATCH request directive settings
Make PATCH request directive settings

Behaviour of the Make PATCH Request directive

  • You can make PATCH requests with the following content types: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream. For multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream types, you are able to upload a file and specify it to be sent as binary format.
  • If the request fails, the Prog command will abort.
  • By default, the response will be parsed and the output will be available as an output variable with step[identifier].json if the response received is a JSON data. Please see output variables for more information regarding output variables parsed from JSON data.

Example use cases for the Make PATCH Request directive

  • Perform PATCH requests to your target URL as part of larger and more complex applications