official / ssh:upload
Upload a folder to a server
To run this Prog command, type this

README for ssh:upload


This Prog command uploads, using scp, a specified folder to a target destination on a server.

This saves you the trouble of having to retype the full scp command, and provides an option to save your responses using --save-defaults.


We assume that you can already ssh to your server with a specified username and IP address.


proggy run official/ssh:upload

This Prog will ask you for:

  • The folder you want to upload
  • The destination where you want to place your folder
  • Username and server IP address (eg. root@your-ip-address)

If you want to upload a single file, then instead of specifying the folder just specify the file.

You can use the --save-defaults option to get Proggy to persist things like the username and server IP address so that you do not have to retype it the next time you run the command. This is useful if you're working on a single server at the moment.


proggy run official/ssh:upload --save-defaults