Download the Proggy CLI The easy way to build and run your command line programs

To download the Proggy CLI tool, please visit this page from a desktop browser.
Latest release v1.3.8
Release Notes

Step 1: Download the Proggy CLI tool

There are two ways to download the Proggy CLI for the Mac:

1. Download and install with Hombrew (Recommended)

brew install proggy-io/proggy/proggy

2. Download and install manually

Download the Proggy CLI tool for the platform.

If you are having trouble downloading, please go to our CLI's GitHub page.
Please view this page from a desktop device running on Linux, Mac, or Windows.

Step 2: Install Proggy

Proggy comes with an installation command that makes it easy to install the CLI tool to your current user.

Go to your the directory where you downloaded the archive from Step 1 and type:

unzip tar -xzvf proggy--.tgz ./proggy install

Step 3: Authenticate Proggy

Next, let's authorize your Proggy CLI to your Proggy account.

If you don't have a Proggy account, type: proggy register If already have Proggy account, type: proggy login